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Congratulations on deciding to take your next step. We are so excited to come alongside you as you move forward on your spiritual journey towards a life of freedom and fulfillment.


Feel free to move at your own pace!

Group Portrait of Friends
Step One |  Join the Family!

At Faith Fellowship, the first time you're a visitor, second time you're family!


Make it official! Join the Faith Fellowship Foursquare Family by being water baptised? and become a signed member! Attend our virtual New Members Meeting to find out the history of our church and what it means to be a signed member, & meet the team! 

Begin virtual
New Members
Running Track
Step Two |  Faith Track

At Faith Track, you will attend two eCourses (at your own pace) that will take you on a brief journey to Discover Faith Fellowship, where you will learn the ins & outs of our church, and discover our family culture that makes up who we are as a Body.


You will also Discover You! In this class, you will discover all of the giftings that God has placed inside of you, and how you've been uniquely made to be a blessing to others! You will also have the opportunity to join our Dream Team, the volunteer crew that makes things happen at Faith Fellowship!

Faith Track
Step Three |  Foundations

Rooted and grounded in God's Word. Feet firmly planted on the truth. Confident in what we believe, why we believe it and, most importantly, why it matters. Foundations, a 3-part eCourse taught by Pastor Gary, is a step by step approach to understanding the essentials of what it means to be a follower of Christ. 

Step Two
Step Three
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